3/22: Staunton Biking and Walking Input

3/22: Staunton Biking and Walking Input

March 3, 2017 Updates 0

Why: To make it easier and more fun for anyone to walk or bike in the city of Staunton.

What: Staunton Bike/Ped Plan Public Meeting/Open House

When: March 22, 2017 6pm-8pm

The City of Staunton is in the process of creating a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. A steering committee was created with representatives from city staff, citizen members of the Parks & Recreation Committee, Planning Commission, and the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee and has been meeting since the fall of 2016. Consultants from Rhodeside and Harwell have been assisting with the creation of the plan. On March 22 the consultants will meet with the steering committee to review the Bicycle portion of the plan and to solicit comments from the public from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Staunton Public Library.

Questions? Contact Mark Russell


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