6/21 & 6/22: Hillandale Needs More Hairs Cut

6/21 & 6/22: Hillandale Needs More Hairs Cut

June 10, 2016 Updates 0

Do you ride, walk, run at Hillandale? If yes, please come help give the trails a much needed brushing.Overgrown-Bike-pure-photography

We need 20 volunteers for 1-2 hours each to lend a hand cutting back the spring growth.

When: June 21 and 22
Time: From 4pm to 8pm (Need 20 people to each pull off a 2 hour shift
Where: Meet at trail head kiosk in Park.
What to bring: long pants, long sleeves and energy to give back to the trails
Contact: Thomas Jenkins tj@shenandoahbicycle.com or 540-236-2001


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