Weekly Rides

Sign Digital Waiver

3/10/2022 Group Rides will begin as volunteer ride leaders are able to commit to leading rides. Are you interested in leading a ride?

In order to participate in a group ride, you must sign the Coalition’s online ride waiver. You no longer need to be an active member of the Coalition to participate in group rides but a signed waiver (renewed annually) is required.

Please reach out to us with any questions: Hello@SVBCoalition.org

Weekly rides are great ways to meet local biking enthusiasts while enjoying time in the saddle.

All participants must wear a helmet, and for insurance reasons, every rider must have a signed waiver on file with the Coalition that is updated once a year.

Required Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Waiver to Participate in Group Rides: Click to Sign

  • Description: Women’s casual mountain bike ride at Massanutten Western Slope on Monday evenings. You do not need a parking pass (if you don’t have a pass just ask a ride leader for one when you arrive) but will need to sign an electronic waiver before the ride.
  • Time: 5:30 pm on Mondays
  • Pace: Super casual, no-drop ride. Beginner pace with frequent stops as needed
  • Location: Meet at Massanutten Western Slope Parking Lot
  • Length: Typically 1-1.5 hours and we will often cover 4-6 miles.
  • Ride Surface: This is a mountain bike ride so plan for dirt singletrack trails with some rock.
  • Regroup Points During Ride? Yes. The Massanutten Western Slope Trails offer lots of options for regrouping and course changes depending on where and what the group wants to ride.
  • Ride Coordinator Information: If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the ride coordinator(s): Lizzy Williams 319-296-8996 / Natalie Detrich 540-808-7816 / Rachel Struble 814-590-6098
  • Additional Info: View a sample route on Strava

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How to Lead a Coalition Group Ride in 3 Steps

Are you interested in helping to start a new group ride and volunteering as a ride leader? Or maybe volunteer to help lead an existing ride? Either way, be sure to review our ride leader guidelines, fill out the below Google Form, and review our Coalition Code of Conduct. Once you submit your response to the Google form, we will be in touch with the next steps or further questions as needed.

THANK YOU for your interest in volunteering with the Coalition’s group rides!

Please follow the three steps below:

  1. Please review our new ride leader guidelines for a complete list of your resposiblities and expectation as a ride leader.
  2. Review our Ride Leader Code of Conduct and agree to also uphold the Coalition’s broader Code of Conduct.
  3. Finally, if you are still interested in leading a ride please indicate your interest by filling out the Google Form for interested ride leaders.
  4. As an organization, we are committed to upholding the Cycling Industry Pledge that we signed in 2021. We ask our ride leaders to also uphold and exemplify the pledge. The Cycling Industry Pledge has 10 Guiding Principles designed to help facilitate safer spaces for learning and exploration with care, respect, and intention.

Description: This is a fast “drop” road ride, but you will sometimes find the group waiting up for a straggler or two (depending on the route) as the terrain and flow of the ride permit. However, there is no guarantee that the group will wait for you if you fall off the back. The group aims to finish the ride with at least 75% of the riders who started. This is not a race to the last person standing.

Time: 5:30 pm on Tuesdays.

Length: At least 2 hours, often 2.5 hours. Distances range from 40-50 miles.

Pace: The ride averages close to 20 mph, sometimes less, depending on how many hills are in the route.

Location: Meet at the Westover Park Swimming Pool Parking Lot

Surface: While most of the ride is on pavement, every route contains unpaved (gravel) segments. Some routes may consist of 25% gravel.

Ride Leader Contact Information: Email Kyle Lawrence or call with questions 571-277-8121/ Pete Morris 540-209-7244 /

Additional Info: See the routes that we rotate through here and load the file into your bike computer: Tuesday Night Ride Routes


Tuesday 5/2Sprinters Loop41 miles
Tuesday 5/9Roman Road46 miles
Tuesday 5/16Hopkins42 miles
Tuesday 5/23John Kline42 miles
Tuesday 5/30Mountain Valley Variation44 miles
Tuesday 6/6Tillman 46 miles
Tuesday 6/13Browns Gap Variation45 miles
Tuesday 6/20Reddish Knob Solstice53 miles
Tuesday 6/27Sprinters Loop41 miles
Tuesday 7/4Roman Road46 miles
Tuesday 7/11Del Webb47 miles
Tuesday 7/1844 miles
Tuesday 7/2547 miles
Tuesday 8/146 miles
Tuesday 8/840 miles
Tuesday 8/1546 miles
Tuesday 8/2239 miles
Tuesday 8/29Hopkins42 miles
Tuesday 9/5Tillman46 miles
Tuesday 9/12Sprinters Loop41 miles
Tuesday 9/19John Kline40 miles
Tuesday 9/2646 miles
Tuesday 141 miles
Tuesday Start at 5pm36 miles
Tuesday Start at 5pm40 miles


This ride is no longer active

  • Description: The Coalition’s WTF Wednesday ride is a no-drop-friendly road ride for the femme, trans, non-binary, and women cyclists in our community. Come prepared with enough water and snacks bring at least a rear blinkie light (charged!) and enough tools to fix a flat. It is easy to get intimidated by Strava data (whether that’s the route distance, elevation gain, or average speed). We try to cater our pace and route to whoever shows up to the weekly ride (regardless, we typically ride ~25 miles give or take at a 12-15mph pace). If some folks want to ride a longer route, we will always provide alternates and may even split the group to accommodate different goals or paces. Our priority is first and foremost to connect with new FTWNB cyclists and safely enjoy the paved and gravel roads of Rockingham County. 
  • Time: 5:30 pm on Wednesdays
  • Pace: The ride averages a steady (12-15mph) pace
  • Location: Meet at Waterman Elementary School parking lot.
  • Length: About 2 hours and we will often cover 20-25 miles.
  • Ride Surface: We’ll mostly stick to pavement, there may be occasional bits of well-maintained gravel that we will use to keep off of busy roads.
  • Regroup Points During Ride?
  • Ride Coordinator Information: If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to ride coordinator(s): Jess Daddio: @jessdaddio 540-247-0998 / Amanda Presgraves – @amandapresgraves 571-241-2952 /
  • Additional Info: View a sample route on Strava

Description: Weekly trail work building and maintaining the trails at Massanutten Western Slope with fellow mountain bikers. A great way to earn your free Annual Trail Pass to ride these trails!

Time: 5pm to 8pm on Thursdays. 2019 season begins April 4.

What to Bring: Bring gloves and good trail work attire. The Coalition will supply tools and drinks.

Location: We will work on the newest trail up top, “The Puzzler.” Parking will be at the bottom of the 2K trail. Park on the same side of the road as all the other cars.

Trail Work Leader Contact Information: Thomas Jenkins 540-236-2001.

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