Join us Tonight,Tuesday 7pm, at the City Council meeting to advocate for safe biking and pedestrian routes to school

Join us Tonight,Tuesday 7pm, at the City Council meeting to advocate for safe biking and pedestrian routes to school

May 28, 2013 Updates 0
Folks stand around a mingle after the kids go in to school!

Folks stand around a mingle after the kids go in to school!

This Tuesday the School Board will be asking the City Council to move forward on plans for the new middle school near Harrisonburg High School. We want bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure included in the planning and the funding of this project.
Please come out to show your support on Tuesday, March 28th at 7pm.
Bring your bike helmet and some cute kids!
Contact Becky Johnston,, with questions.  Spread the word and invite your friends!  If you can’t make it, and even if you can, please contact our  City Council members and let them know you want kids and staff to be able to
safely bike and walk on opening day! 




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