Sunday August 24: Wolf Ridge Trail Work Mission

Sunday August 24: Wolf Ridge Trail Work Mission

August 21, 2014 Updates 3

In preparation for the Shenandoah Mountain 100 and because the trail really really needs some help, Shenandoah Mountain Touring 101_0134will lead another trail work mission on Wolf Ridge this Sunday August 24. The heavy rains and gypsy moth deforestation have been hard on the trail corridor this year with an exceptional amount of growth that threatens to swallow up the trail unless we act and do something. Whether you would like to help for an hour or four, we could use your hands to clear the Wolf Ridge Trail.

If you are interested in helping then please email

3 Responses

  1. Natalie says:

    Hey guys!

    I am interested in helping out tomorrow, but when I emailed Chris using the above email address, I got a reply saying the host/domain name was not found. Is there another contact email I can use to get more information about when/where to meet?


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