Thursday Night Trail shift to Massanutten

Thursday Night Trail shift to Massanutten

May 5, 2015 Updates 0

Thursday-Trail-Work-Crew (1)This Thursday, May 7th, SVBC will shift Thursday trail work evenings from Hillandale to Massanutten. Thank you to Marshall, Rich and all volunteers who busted moves on the Rocktown trails for the past two months.

SVBC will hold trail work Thursdays at Masssanutten through the summer.  We will be working on the middle section of the “Lairds Knob Downhill Trail”.  We will be building a new portion of trail to provide alternative access to last year’s project, “Lairds Nose”.


Here are some details:

When: Every Thursday May-late Summer (unless posted otherwise)
Time: We leave Western Slope Parking Lot at 5pm and head up to the Pond. We will typically work until 7:30-8pm, feel free to join for any part of the work session.
Parking: You may park at the main parking lot or ride up. We will also be opening the gate by the horse fence allowing folks to drive to the pond.
What to bring: Bring good work attire and a smile. SVBC will provide tools, gloves (grab a tool and gloves from truck at pond) and post work drinks.
How to find the crew if arriving later then 5pm? Head to the pond then follow pin flag route across the big field above the pond and up Lairds Downill.

For more information contact Thomas: or 540-236-2001

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