1/11: Winter Ride Mixer & SVBC January Monthly Social

1/11: Winter Ride Mixer & SVBC January Monthly Social

January 1, 2016 Updates 0

You are invited to join the SVBC for our Monthly Social in the basement of Clementine “Ruby’s” at 7pm on Monday January 11.default

We have a special addition for our January Monthly Social, a Mid Winter Ride Mixer!

As the days begin to lengthen, the mind begins to yearn for those first spring days spent exploring the country. Join other like minded riders to discuss routes and organize a ride!

What to do: Get your maps out and let your mind wander, settling on some unknown stretch of road. Now imagine how to get there and back, take some notes. Bring that idea to Ruby’s on January 11 between 6-8pm. Find someone to go exploring with, or just gather info from folks who’ve been there. Either way, come and get excited about the coming months of Spring with old and new friends!


On the second Monday of each month, we get together at Ruby’s (also known as Clementine’s basement) in downtown Harrisonburg, Virginia for our “Monthly Social.”

Most folks arrive around 7:00 pm, order food and/or drinks and hang out and chat.  Between approximately 7:30 and 8 pm, we hold a half-hour informal meeting, where we go through past and future SVBC events and anything on tap on the SVBC City or County advocacy fronts.  After the meeting, people resume hanging out and chatting.

It’s really fun, a great way to find out what we’re up to, and, if you’d like, to get more involved.  We’d love it if you joined us.lounge11


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