6/14: Help Save the Hillandale Power Line Trail

6/14: Help Save the Hillandale Power Line Trail

June 14, 2017 Updates 0

Help us “brush” the power line trail at Hillandale Park to wrap up the new improvements that will keep our trail clear of the bulldozer.

When: Wednesday, June 14 5:30 pm onward

Where: Hillandale Power Line Trail. We will have equipment at the top of South Avenue but please park in Hillandale proper

What we did: We (Rich Edwards one of our all-star volunteers) built an access road along the power line trail so that Harrisonburg Electric Company can better access their power poles

What we need to do now: now we need to brush the corridor. That means clipping branches, running weedeaters, sawing back limbs within reach and much much more. Help us clean up the corridor.

Contact Kyle if you can help: Kyle@svbcbackup.dreamhosters.com

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