Harrisonburg Invites the Public to Comprehensive Plan Workshops

Harrisonburg Invites the Public to Comprehensive Plan Workshops

October 15, 2017 Updates 0

Draft chapters of the Comprehensive Plan have been compiled with a combination of inputs from the 2011 Comprehensive Plan, Planning Commission, Advisory Committees, and city staff during Spring and Summer of 2017. The draft chapters are available online for public review at  https://www.harrisonburgva.gov/yourplan-draft-chapters.
The public comment period is open between October 9, 2017 and November 28, 2017, and includes four public workshops. Comments may be submitted at the workshops, by emailing Thanh.Dang@harrisonburgva.gov, or writing to the Department of Planning & Community Development, c/o Thanh Dang, City Planner, 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
 The City Planning Commission is hosting four (4) public workshops in October and November to review draft chapters for the Comprehensive Plan update. Each evening will be focused on a different set of topics.  
  • Thursday, October 19 at 6pm at Lucy F. Simms Center – Education; Arts, Culture, and Historic Resources; and Community Engagement & Collaboration.
  • Monday, October 23 at 6pm at Thomas Harrison MS – Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability; Parks & Recreation; and Community Infrastructure, Services, Safety & Health.
  • Monday, October 30 at 6pm at Thomas Harrison MS – Economic Development & Tourism; and Revitalization.
  • Monday, November 13 at 6pm at Thomas Harrison MS – Land Use & Development Quality; Neighborhoods & Housing; Transportation.
Workshops on October 19, 23, and 30 start at 6:00pm and will run about 2 hours. The November 13 workshop will start at 6:00pm and run about 2.5 hours. More information at https://www.harrisonburgva.gov/yourplan-fall-workshops.
Where Are We Now?

We are at the halfway mark of the Plan Development Phase (see illustration below, click here to open larger size).


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