Job Opportunity- Safe Routes to School Waynesboro

Job Opportunity- Safe Routes to School Waynesboro

July 19, 2019 Updates 1

The City of Waynesboro is hiring their first Safe Routes to School Coordinator for the Waynesboro Public Schools. Know someone who might be interested?
Click for Job Description

Click for Application
Look for- PROGRAM COORDINATOR PT Code: 1702-1
Questions? Contact Us

One Response

  1. gary c. burnette says:

    Bikes and cars do not mix. Having been a bicycle rider for thirty-five years, I can make this statement. Adding “bike lanes” will not work (kids will get “doored” by drivers of parked cars as well as rear-ended by following, distracted drivers). Having bicyclists mix with pedestrians on sidewalks will not work. The best we can do is make walking said sidewalks safer for the children.
    We live within two blocks of an elementary school and have observed driving patterns (being on a “feeder route” to get to I-64 exacerbates the danger). The worst are the parents of the very children we wish to protect: they are hurried, distracted, and simply driving at speeds too high for pedestrian traffic. They need to be restrained.
    “Traffic calming” devices (rumble-strips, speed humps, etc.) must be installed. Extremely large speed limit signage with flashing yellow lights must be installed (twenty-five MPH absolute maximum). Police must strictly enforce these changes to get the populace retrained to safely drive around our children (or around any pedestrians). Fines should be applied. Social media should get the word out that these new rules will be enforced and that those who disobey will pay the price (fines, license revoked, etc.).
    Thank you for your attention – good luck with the project. It will not be welcomed by drivers but the kids matter more than anyone’s “scheduling problem…” SLOW DOWN. YOUR KIDS LIVE HERE.

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