Building a Network of Trails

Building a Network of Trails

November 18, 2019 Updates 0

If you have followed along with the Bicycle Coalition, you know that we work hard to improve singletrack trail experiences in the Shenandoah Valley. Over the course of eight years, we secured, administered, and completed over $500,000 worth of Federal Grant funding to build, maintain, and relocate trails in the George Washington National Forest.

After a few years without a National Forest Trails project, we are VERY excited to announce that we have been awarded our fourth Recreational Trails Program Grant from the Virginia Department of Conservation.

As in past years, the grant requires a 20% match from the Coalition. Similar to past grants, we plan to make up this match with a combination of volunteer hours and fundraising efforts from those folks who believe in our work but might not be able to make it to trail work.

What are we Building?

Continuing the success of our work along the Tillman Road Corridor, we will again focus our efforts on where we have previously invested $250,000+ of trail building efforts.

Our proposed project would relocate the “Western” portion of the Narrowback Trail (Trail #432) to connect to the Wolf Parking Lot. Our past work to improve and relocate the Wolf Ridge Trail, in conjunction with the construction of the Wolf Parking Lot, will be further enhanced by a singletrack trail connection from the parking lot up to the top of the Narrowback Ridge Trail.

When complete, the trail should be around 3 miles long and provide a beginner-intermediate trail experience to access the Narrowback Trail system from the Wolf Parking Lot. If all goes according to plan, construction could start as early as next winter.

Where is the Project Site?

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