Wolf Ridge Trail Love

Wolf Ridge Trail Love

December 23, 2020 Updates 0

As we wrap up 2020, we are asking for your support to help us Spread Pixie Dust in the Valley. Can you help us reach our 2020 Pixie Dust goals before January 1? We are asking our members and our broader network to support our community-centric fundraising campaign and please consider a donationto help us continue Building Better Communities in the Valley.

The end of 2020 brought with it plenty of strange emotions but for the Coalition, we were excited to bring back our National Forest Trail work to give some serious love to the Wolf Ridge Trail. We even had a cover story about our trail work in the Daily News Record. A very big and warm THANK YOU to all of our volunteers who helped make the Wolf Ridge Trail better and who gave back to our public lands.

We made the front page of the Daily News Record


Photo credits go to the wonderfully gracious and talented Jess Daddio

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