Interested in Serving as a Coalition Board Member?

Interested in Serving as a Coalition Board Member?

February 22, 2021 Board of Directors 0

Building Better Communities in the Valley

Interested in applying? Here’s what you need to know
We are a growing organization with strong grassroots support. Our board is active and engaged in making your Coalition stronger and more effective every day. Please fill out our letter of interest at the bottom of this page if you would like to run for a seat on our board.

We ask that Board Members:

  • Act as an enthusiastic champion for The Bicycle Coalition in the community
  • Participate in annual strategic planning sessions to set goals for the organization and assess the organization’s performance.
  • Help the Coalition live up to our JEDI committment
  • Actively assist with fundraising efforts 
  • Participate in the work of our various spokes or “committees”
  • Attend all board meetings.
  • Assist with monitoring financial reports 
  • Evaluate the performance of the Executive Director.
Important Details
  • Time commitment The board meets for two hours 8-10 months out of the year and board members are asked to help with committee work in between these meetings – such as development, communications, or membership. Three-year term limits are placed on board members, and those terms can be renewed. Currently, all meetings are being held remotely.
  • Community Centric Fundraising is core to our development approach. All board members are asked to help ensure that we live up to the principles of Community Centric Fundraising.  
Additional Details:

The Bicycle Coalition works to Build Better Communities in the Valley using the Bicycle as a tool. Our current campaigns include:

  • Safe Routes for Everyone – Space for everyone to ride and walk 
  • More Trails Close to Home – Expanding access to trails in the Valley that are more accessible and welcoming for new visitors.
  • Trails on Public Lands – Continuing to expand and improve accessible trails on our public lands, largely in the National Forest.
  • Bikes for Neighbors – Providing bikes to community members for transportation

Interested in Serving on the Board? Please fill out this statement of interest

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