How Can a Survey Improve our Streets?

How Can a Survey Improve our Streets?

February 21, 2022 Updates 0

Your Input Shapes Our Future

Did you know most transportation projects are planned 10-25 years in advance? We are always playing a long game here and need your help.

Our regional long-range transportation plan identifies priority transportation projects. Specifically, transportation needs for Harrisonburg, Bridgewater, Dayton, Mount Crawford, and the surrounding parts of Rockingham County 25 years out.

Here at the Bicycle Coalition, we work to ensure our streets and roads work for all users, especially the most vulnerable among us. Vulnerable road users are those folks traveling without the protection of a motor vehicle. The most vulnerable among us include people traveling by foot, bike, scooter, or other mobility devices.

By taking this survey, you can vocalize your desire for transportation investments to connect our communities for walking and biking. You have an opportunity to amplify our community’s desire for projects to create safe spaces to walk and bike. Projects to allow everyone to choose whether to walk or bike as part of their daily lives.

Within the survey, you can identify areas where our roads should be safer, where public transit should connect communities, which roads should remain quiet and rural.

This is a unique and exciting opportunity to help shape our future. Please take a few minutes and help build a better world for everyone.

HRMPO 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) documents the region’s transportation needs, and is updated every five years. HRMPO is in the process of developing the 2045 Plan, and is offering several opportunities to gather feedback and input that will guide the latest Plan’s development.

What is the Harrisonburg Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization? “HR MPO”

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