Author: Kyle

Connet Our Schools Update 4/12 City Council Vote

4-10-2016: Connect Our Schools Update Many of you may be wondering where the Connect Our Schools Campaign stands. Well, we’re one step and pedal closer to victory. While our voice was heard loud and clear before by City Council, there is one more vote on April 12th on the bond amount for all the included projects. If…
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April 10, 2016 0

4/20: SVBC Time Trial Series on Dry River Road

The SVBC time trial series p/b by Rocktown Racing is the resurrection of the original time trial series put on by SVBC. Everyone is welcome to come to this event. Come try to get the fastest time overall or just come out to beat your own time. Either way this should be a fun series…
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April 3, 2016 0

Harris-Roubaix Sunday April 10

This Sunday, April 10th, will be another edition of the Harris-Roubaix. This annual celebration of gravel roads will leave Court Square at high noon. Don’t forget to bring some food to share, SVBC will provide beverages and shuttle the food out to the farm. Checkout the Event on Facebook Harris-Roubaix The Harris-Roubaix: A Gravel Road…
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April 3, 2016 0

Weekly Rides are Alive and Well

It is easy to forget that the SVBC started with group rides. Before there was a “coalition” before the road bike club and the mountain bike club joined forces to represent all things cycling in Harrisonburg, before we worked for greenways, before we were talking about Safe Routes to School, before we advocated for safely…
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March 29, 2016 0

March 22: Connect Our Schools at City Council

3/22: Attend City Council Meeting @ 7pm The time has come to join us at City Council and show our support to Connect Our Schools and our community as a whole for walking and biking. March 22-a public hearing will be held at the Harrisonburg City Council Meeting on the bond for the new school and other…
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March 22, 2016 0

3/13: REGISTER for Goshen Pass Randonnée

Registration is Live- Do it today A new twist on the organized ride that isn’t so new brought to you by SVBC and avid route planner Matt Hassman. Read Matt’s take on what has become a classic local ride and mark your calendars! REGISTER TODAY Everything old is new again! The sport of randonneuring is…
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March 9, 2016 0

3/20: March Sunday Funday Ride on Bluestone Trail

March Ride will be Held on Sunday, March 20 from 3-4pm. Think Warm! A Monthly ride for families and kids of all-ages on Harrisonburg’s first Greenway, The Bluestone Trail. Description: Come out and enjoy the Bluestone Trail, Harrisonburg’s family bicycling destination! All kids and adults are welcome, at any skill level, pace and age. Please bring your…
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March 5, 2016 0

SVBC Board 2016 Elections

It is that time of the year again. SVBC Board elections. This year we have two spots open and two current board members are running for their existing seats. Your two candidates are: Misty Tilson and Kyle Lawrence Please VOTE via our Google Form. One vote per membership and be prepared to enter your email…
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February 28, 2016 0

New Proposed Route for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The Proposed pipeline that Dominion Energy has been working towards has created quite the controversy. Last week Dominion announced the another (third) new route. This time to avoid sensitive areas of the George Washington National Forest. However you feel about the pipeline, you should know what part of the valley it will impact. Look at…
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February 16, 2016 0

New Safe Routes to School Coordinators in City and County

Got an idea for the biking or walking in the city schools? Contact Matt Hassman ( Got an idea for biking or walking in Rockingham Schools? Contact Kyle Lawrence ( The bicycle community is very excited to have two new Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Coordinators in the area. While the city of Harrisonburg public…
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February 15, 2016 0