Author: Kyle

From the DNR in regards to the DR 100

Proceeds Allocated Posted February 16, 2011 12:00 AM EST Money Raised From DR100 Event To Fund Several Local Projects By Jeremy Hunt HARRISONBURG – By the time the next DR100 cycling event rolls into town, participants and donors should be able to scope out how proceeds from the inaugural affair were used. About $13,500 in…
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February 16, 2011 0

Daily News Record Article on Recreational Trails Program Grant in National Forest

The following article appeared in the Harrisonburg’s Daily News Record Paper on Saturday, January 29. It is a decent recap of the Shenandoah Valley’s $100,000 Trail Work project in the North River District of the George Washington National Forest. Needless to say a few of the quotes are not verbatim… However, it gives good press…
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February 8, 2011 0

Growing demand for livable communities (from

Growing demand for livable communities (From the League of American Bicyclists) 12Share The New Year is bringing with it a host of new research and reports. This is the first of a series of research summaries. According to a survey recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 57 percent of adult Americans…
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January 27, 2011 0

Switchback Work Where the Wild Oak Trail Crosses the North River via Suspension Bridge

The Wild Oak Trail is a 25.6 mile trail located within the North River Ranger District of the George Washington National Forest. This National Recreation Trail is very popular for various recreational activities, including: hiking, biking, horseback riding, and trail running. Due to the steep and rugged nature of the trail most trail users only…
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December 5, 2010 1

Lynn Trail switchback is reconstructed in the George Washington National Forest

First assess the worksite and make it a safe area to workMake a plan that can be completed successfullyStart digging the foundation for the rock crib wallAfter cutting the backslopeSpread the soil on the trail treadTamp the ground to compact the soilTake a moment to appreciate your hard work that will last forever Lynn Trail…
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November 24, 2010 0

Map of SVBC DCR Grant Trail Projects


November 24, 2010 0

Partial Trail Rehabilitation for the Chestnut Ridge Trail

Chestnut Ridge has been rehabilitated. It wasn’t total tread reconstruction for the whole 7 mile section of trail. We only had enough money in the grant to have Trail Dynamics install rolling grade dips where they were going to help keep water from running down the trail. Use caution if you ride it, there are…
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November 22, 2010 0

Shenandoah Mountain Trail heading towards Tearjacket Knob

Log and debris covers the old trail on Tearjacket as the trail turns halfway down from the Ridge. Not only has the turn been exaggerated from the previous 90 degree turn but it also has a rise after the turn to slow riders momentum. The new relocation allows the tread to shed water and slows…
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November 8, 2010 0

Camp Todd Reroute

One of the projects on the SVBC DCR grant is the reroute of the Wild Oak Trail as it comes down Horse Trough Hollow and crosses the North River. The current interface brings the trail straight down to the North River where it drops down steep embankments to the water and then goes through Camp…
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November 1, 2010 3

Purpose of the initial SVBC trail work blog

The Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition is currently applying $100,000 of Federal Recreational Trail Program funds to improve the trails of the George Washington National Forest. Trail Dynamics is on the ground in the Forest improving the sustainability of our trails as we speak. Stay tuned for before and after photos as well as video footage.

October 5, 2010 0