Author: Thomas

Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival is coming soon!

October 7th-9th is the 20th Annual Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival. Still going strong after 20 years and still 100% volunteer run! Register now because space is limited to 250 folks! When you register please sign up for one of the volunteer slot, this is the only way can make this event happen! Remember to register your…
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September 6, 2016 0

POSTPONE TO FUTURE DATE: Hillandale Trail work forTuesday and Wed (June 21st & 22nd)

We had 15 awesome volunteers help with clearing Hillandale last Saturday but we need more! Come out any time between 4-8pm on June 21st or 22rd to help finish the mission at hand. We estimate we will need 25 volunteers for 2 hours of work to complete the brushing of Hillandale. For additional info contact…
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June 15, 2016 0

6/11: Hillandale’s Hair Cut Needs YOU!

Do you ride, walk, run at Hillandale? If yes, please come help give the trails a much needed brushing. We need 20 volunteers for 1-2 hours each to lend a hand cutting back the spring growth. When: June 11th Time: Anytime from 7am-1pm Where: Meet at trail head kiosk in Park. Sign up: Please fill…
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June 5, 2016 0

Harrisonburg by Bike Class June 4th: Sponsored by Shenandoah Bicycle Company

On June 4th will be the last of the “Harrisonburg by Bike Class” this season. This is a great opportunity for anyone to get more comfortable riding around town. The class is open to anyone 14 years of age or older (minors must be accompanied by an adult). The class is free (sponsored by SBC)…
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June 1, 2016 0

SVBC Volunteer Group of the Year!

Tuesday evening I was honored on behalf of the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition to accept the Volunteer Group of the Year award. This award was presented to SVBC by the North River Ranger District of the George Washington National Forest for all the outstanding work SVBC achieved in our National Forest in 2015! SVBC you should be…
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April 30, 2016 0

Massanutten Trail Work start this Thursday 4/28.

This Thursday is the start of the most exciting year of trail building on the Western Slope. We will begin the build of  a new 2 mile trail. This is by far the largest single year trail build ever on the Western Slope. We will need some serious help! Come get a jump on earning your…
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April 27, 2016 2

4/14: Thursday Trail Work at Hillandale

Only two more weeks of Thursday Trail Work at Hillandale Park. Come out and support your in town trail system!

April 13, 2016 0

Thursday Trail work continues at Hillandale 3/24

Time: 5pm-Dark What to Bring: you, good yard work attire and a smile Where to meet: The SVBC trailer will be set up at the trail head parking lot with trail work location posted. More info: contact Marshall ( or Thomas ( 540-236-2001

March 24, 2016 0

Hillandale Trail Work continues tonight, 3/24! Thursday trail work will roll again tonight (3/24) at Hillandale and continue at Hillandale the next five weeks. Time: 5pm-Dark..come out for any portion What to Bring: you, good yard work attire and a smile Where to meet: The SVBC trailer will set up at the parking lot at trail head parking lot and work location will…
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March 16, 2016 0

Saturday Early Morning Trail Work to open the new parking lot!

The new parking lot at the bottom of the Wolfe Ridge Trail is set to be done Saturday morning. To finish, we need to reroute the last 200′ of trail so it comes into the new parking. We need about 5-8 trail workers for 2 hours Saturday morning to make this happen. Email or call…
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December 11, 2015 0