Author: Thomas

Hillandale Trail Work Day Satuday June 1st…The Jungle has been eating kids (and Adults) alive!

Yes, that is right…The Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park are alive with Kid (and Adult) eating plants…Come help cut back the growth that is over taking the trails. Even if you only have one hour (but more is always better) come lend a hand.  Here are the details! When: Saturday June 1st 7am-3pm…come for any portion..even…
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May 29, 2013 0

Join us Tonight,Tuesday 7pm, at the City Council meeting to advocate for safe biking and pedestrian routes to school

This Tuesday the School Board will be asking the City Council to move forward on plans for the new middle school near Harrisonburg High School. We want bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure included in the planning and the funding of this project. Please come out to show your support on Tuesday, March 28th at 7pm. Bring…
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May 28, 2013 0

Help Harrisonburg’s New School be Bike and Ped Friendly

You are invited to attend an open, public meeting about how we can work to ensure bike and pedestrian infrastructure from day 1 at the newly proposed middle school.  The middle school’s location will make biking/walking very difficult to do, especially in a safe way, without infrastructure from the beginning. Planning to Bike on Opening…
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May 16, 2013 1

SVBC Bike Rack Grant is now open!!

SVBC is soliciting applications for the 2013 SVBC Harrisonburg Business Bicycle Rack Grant Program from now through May 25, 2013. SVBC will award up to five grants to local businesses to assist with the purchase and installation of bicycle racks for employees and patrons of the businesses. Businesses located within the city of Harrisonburg are…
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May 7, 2013 1

Thursday Night Trail Work Returns to Massanutten

SVBC will officially start off the 2013 Massanutten Trail Work Campaign Thursday April  25th.   Volunteers have already been busy this spring and past winter flagging some new routes above the pond. Crews will head out from the main parking area at 5 pm on Thursdays and head up to the pond.   If you can’t make…
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April 24, 2013 0

A week off to recover!

After five weeks of hard work, crews will take a break to recharge their batteries before the final two weeks of work on Narrowback and Lookout Mountain. This break also gives volunteers a chance to recover and then come back for a final few weeks of trail work in November! Rock Work on Narrow Back!…
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October 30, 2012 0

Improvement rolling fast on Narrow Back and Lookout Mountain

This past Sunday some riders from Charlottesville came west to check out the new trail improvements that are part of the RTP Grant. Judging by their smiles on Tillman Road they were super excited about the work they just road on Lookout Mtn, those smiles were made wider after rolling Tillman West. Photo of new…
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October 16, 2012 0

Massanutten Trail Work Thursdays keep rolling strong!

Each Thursday SVBC trail work crews have been leaving the Western Slope parking at 5pm and heading up to the the new IMBA trail at Massanutten. This is a great chance to earn your Western Slope Pass, remember only 8 hours of trail work or $50 earns you a calendar year pass to these SVBC built…
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August 28, 2012 0

Massanutten Trail Work..Continues each Thursday Evening.

SVBC trail work crews will continue with Thursday trail work each week at 5pm – Dark. SVBC now has permission to leave the gate open by the horse stalls on Thursday afternoons so you can drive to the pond for trail work. We will spend Thursday working on the new “IMBA Trail” above the pond…
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August 16, 2012 0

Pre Super Bowl Sunday Trail Work

The Brusher Crew on Red Diamond (Slate Springs Trail) On Sunday Jan 22nd 20+ volunteers from SVBC and CAMBC took to Shenandoah Mountain to help clear several trails. The Slate Spring Trail and Pond Knob Trail were brushed and chainsaw as well as several sections along both trails saw tread work. Hone Quarry Ridge Trail…
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January 25, 2012 2