Bike Month is Here and We are on WMRA

Bike Month is Here and We are on WMRA

April 28, 2015 Updates 0


Bike Month is here (See our full list of events) and hopefully you will hear about it on WMRA thanks to Wyse Cycles. From  Monday, April 27 through Friday, May 15. The PSAs will be running on WMRA about Bike Month. The spots were donated by Ben Wyse of Wyse Cycles. Thanks Ben!wysecycles

General Bike Month PSA

Support for WMRA comes from…

The Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition. May is National Bike Month. Hosting family- and beginner-friendly rides in Harrisonburg. More info at SVB coalition dot org.

Bike to Work Day-specific PSA

Support for WMRA comes from…

The Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition. Supporting National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 15 with free breakfast for all riders from 7 to 10 am at Court Square in Harrisonburg.

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