
Volunteer with our B4N classes! Are you a cyclist interested in teaching others how to bike safely? You can help teach hands-on bicycle classes with the participants. If you would like to teach but need some instruction to feel comfortable teaching new riders, the club sponsors teach-the-teacher classes for volunteers. We are particularly in need of volunteers to teach who speak languages other than English. To best serve our community, we need to be able to communicate with participants and accommodate language needs within our program!

Join our Bikes for Neighbors listserv to stay up-to-date on all our activities.

Donate! Check out this link for more information on how to donate to the program. We will gladly accept monetary and/or bicycle donations!

Pick up Bicycles! Do you have a vehicle that can fit bicycles? We need help shuttling bicycles around town for pickup, repair, or donation to our participants.

Recommend someone for the program! Do you know of someone who would benefit from our Bikes for Neighbors program? Fill out this information form for us to connect!

Questions or comments? Contact us at bikes4neighbors@svbcbackup.dreamhosters.com