Empower (Do not carry over)

We develop tools, skills, and resources for everyone to be able to choose whether, where, and how to ride.

As a Coalition, we are committed to including riders of all backgrounds, skill sets, fitness levels, and abilities in our advocacy. Whether riding to work, for fun, in town, or in the mountains, we want everyone to have the knowledge, equipment, and environment they need to enjoy their ride.

Tools that we create to better empower local community members include:

  • The Bikes for Refugees program was launched after a group of refugees in Harrisonburg identified transportation as a major challenge. For many refugees, bicycling is the most efficient and reliable transportation available.  Interested individuals attend a class taught by Coalition members where they learn bike skills, safety skills and bicycle related laws. At the end of the 2-hour class, refugees get to take home a bicycle, helmet, bike lock, and bike pump. 
  • Safe Routes to School coordinators empower children with bike handling classes as well as morning and afternoon group walks to-and-from schools. We advocate for safe and inclusive neighborhoods, where walking or biking to school is both an enjoyable and healthy option for area children.
  • We host events throughout the year for beginning cyclists, including Bike Month, greenway rides, downtown costume parades on bicycles, and more.

If you are interested in a beginner-cyclist educational training or an accessible bicycle ride, please do not hesitate to Contact Us and to check our community Calendar.

Bicyclists rode to Reddish Knob in thick fog as part of the first ever Red Wing Roots Music Festival at Natural Chimneys. Downtown costume rides, round-the-block ice cream rides, and longer festival rides are all ways we demystify riding and celebrate it as an everyday, accessible-to-all activity. Photo by Pat Jarrett