Ice Cream Social at Mole Hill Bikes

Ice Cream Social at Mole Hill Bikes

July 7, 2016 Updates 0


Monday July 18 at 6:30 PM
We will be meeting at our property on Mole Hill. There will be two different length rides, a 2-4 mile family ride (which is great to take the kids on), and a longer ride of 10-15 miles for those that want to burn those extra calories. Both rides will be “no drop” which means that they are only as fast as the slowest rider.
We will be meeting back where we started to eat homemade ice cream around the campfire.

Please RSVP, and let us know how many you are bringing so that we will know roughly how much icecream to make. Thank You!

The Address for where the ride will be starting from:
Grassy lot with camper adjacent to:
643 Dale Enterprise Road,
Dayton, Va 22821

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