Massanutten Trail Work

Massanutten Trail Work

May 5, 2015 Updates 0

SVBC has several Massanutten trail work days each month from March to November.

These trail work sessions are a great opportunity to earn a season pass, help develop and maintain the trail system on the Western Slope, and meet fellow trail lovers.

For more info on trail work days contact Thomas Jenkins:, 540-434-9943.

SVBC’s history at Massanutten

Kenny __, and Mark ___, ___ at Massanutten Resort, began holding the  Massanutten Hoo Ha in the fall of 1988 (the Hoo Ha is now the second oldest continuously-held mountain bike race in Virginia).  Before one Hoo Ha in the mid-’90’s, Kenny, a mountain biker himself, was looking to improve the race course and asked fellow mountain biker Thomas Jenkins if he would like to connect two trails.  And so it began.  In 1996 and ’97, Thomas and his friends worked on Kaylor’s and Big Stump (it was around then that SVBC’s mountain bike predecessor  the Shenandoah Mountain Bike Club, was formed) ; in 2001 and 2002,  the club built Hundred-Dollar Hill (now known as Homestead) ; then the Connector Trail; then Lower Ravine; in 2004 and 2005, the club built Upper Ravine; between 2006 and 2008, the club built 2,000 Hour Trail; then Lower Homestead; then the short track course; then Smoke Tree Lane; then the Boyscout Trail (also known as the Jamboree Trail); then Little Monkey.  In 2012, the club worked on extending the trail network down low, by the pond.  For some of this work, Massanutten has provided an excavator, ditch-witch, and back-ho.  IMBA (the International Mountain Bike Association) has worked with SVBC on these trails on four different occasions, in 2003 kicking off work on the Lower Ravine with a SWECO.  But most of the work has been done by hand.  In all, Thomas and Rich Edwards estimate that SVBC members have spent 15,000 hours building trail on the Western Slope, and that perhaps 500 sets of hands have shaped those trails.  And more is to come!

Volunteer Hours


Members of SVBC have been volunteering hours to help maintain and build trails on the Massanutten Western Slope for the past decade. For inspiration, check out the videos below to see what the trail work below has accomplished.

  • 2012 Volunteer Hours:
  • 2011 Volunteer Hours:
  • 2010 Volunteer Hours:
  • 2009 Volunteer Hours: 1062
  • 2008 Volunteer Hours: 580
  • 2007 Volunteer Hours: 420
  • 2006 Volunteer Hours: 610



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