Newsletter Archives

Check out our archives going back  to 1983!!

A big shout out to everyone who records our present and preserves our history.  Thank you.

2011 – Links to 2011 online newsletters

2010 – Online newsletters begin (as does reverse chronological order)

2010 – The Mellow Velo (links are to downloadable .pdf files)

2009 – The Mellow Velo (links are to downloadable .pdf files)

2008 – The Mellow Velo (links are to downloadable .pdf files)

2007 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

2006 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 2006 2005 Volunteers; 2005 Wednesday Evening Rides Recap; El Tour de Tuscon XXIII; Mt. Washington Double Challenge; New England, part 3
  • March 2006
  • April 2006 SVBC Officers (back at full strength); Cycling Studies (JMU); Bike Summit Report; Club History; Bicyclists as Minorities; Dennis Herr (condition) Update
  • May 2006 Let’s Talk Some Sense about Riding Side by Side
  • June 2006 How Much Does it Cost You to Get to Work?
  • July 2006 Triggering Camera-Activated Traffic Lights; China Wants to Reverse Auto Domination Trend
  • August 2006 100 Centuries
  • September 2006 15th Annual Ice Cream Ride Recap
  • October 2006
  • November/December 2006 20 Centuries; 24th Shenandoah Valley Century Recap; Researchers Identify Bicycling Gene – Origins Unknown

2005 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 2005 Thunderhead Publishes Complete Streets Report; 2004 Volunteers
  • March 2005 Cancer; Icicle Ride 2005; Design and Construction Standards Manual
  • April 2005 Library Donations (see Tidbits); From Your Door; 2004 Mileages
  • May 2005 More on the Bike Summit; Trash Talking
  • June 2005 Bicycle Chosen as Best Invention; 11 Pounds of Fat; 462 Millions of Gallons of Gasoline Can be Saved; Cookie Lady Thanks; Better Bicycling Fact Sheets
  • July 2005 The Crash on Thunder Ridge: A Bicycle Helmet Success Story; SVBC Ride Board; Knee Pain and Bicycling
  • August 2005
  • September 2005 Virginia’s Bicycling/Pedestrian Coordinator Named; 2005 Mountain Mama Road Bike Challenge; The Ride of My Life
  • 2005 October 15th Annual Ice Cream Ride Recap; Time Trial Results, New Women’s Record Holder; New England, Part 1; New Life for Old Chains
  • 2005_November December; New England, Part 2; Shenandoah Valley Century Recap; Bike Lane Paths on Google Maps; The Newly Redesigned Banana Guards are Here!!!!; Bicycles With Icicles

2004 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 2004 France (Part 4)
  • March 2004 Night Riding; 2004 Icicle Ride Recap
  • April 2004 France (Part 4, the Final); 2003 Mileages
  • May 2004 How to Commute by Bicycle; Why Commute by Bicycle; Learn the Skill of Soft Pedaling; How to Lose Weight Through Exercise
  • June 2004 A Map of Scenic Roads in Virginia; Lunchtime Muse: How do Temperature/Humidity/Elevation Affect Air Resistance When on a Bike Ride?; Why Should a Fitness Rider do Training Time Trials? (see Time Trial Results)
  • July 2004 300k; Ouch!
  • August 2004 Aggressive Driver Busted
  • September 2004 La Marmotte (Part One) – A Ride in the French Alps
  • October 2004 Chain-Wear Check
  • November/December 2004 New Study: Sprawl Makes You Sick; Winter Survival; Winter Biking Excuses

2003 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 2003 Pittsburgh to DC, Car Free; Bicycling in the Southern Alleghenies Region of Pennsylvania; Rider’s Block
  • March 2003 Getting in Shape for the Season
  • April 2003 A Scary Incident; The Fattening of America (see the National Bike Summit Recap); Drafting; 2002 Mileages
  • May 2003 Drafting Tips; The New Shenandoah Mountain Bike Club
  • June 2003 Rolling Resistance; Riding in Traffic; Smarter, Not Harder
  • July 2003 Scenic Roads Ahead; Two June Rides to Remember – Storming Thunder Ridge and Charlottesville/Farmville MS150; A Planned Day’s Ride
  • August 2003 Common Sense Cycling
  • September 2003 France (Part 1)
  • October 2003 France (Part 2); The Amazing Banana; Ice Cream Ride Recap
  • November/December 2003 Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival Recap; Wannabes Picture; Trash Pickup Recap; No, I am NOT All Right!; France (Part 3)

2002 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 2002 2001 Wednesday Ride Statistics; Winter Fluid Tips; What Keeps You from Riding All Winter?
  • March 2002 Fixed Gearing; The Rub Down
  • April 2002 2001 Mileages; On the Road Again
  • May 2002 Three and Free; Riding Outside the State Lines – Rome, Georgia; Visitors Respond
  • June 2002 The Perfect Day; C&O Canal Path Shuttle Service; How to Ride in a Paceline; How to Ride in a Group
  • July 2002 Wannabe Ride Report; Outside Travels – Scranton, Pennsylvania and Monterey, Virginia
  • August 2002 The Twentieth Century; Three Cold Ones; Oops, I Did It Again!; Another (Close to) Perfect Day; In-Town Riding
  • September 2002 Bike New York 2002; Mountain Mama Recap
  • October 2002 Mountain Bikers Find New Species in West Virginia; The 20th Century (recap); Bridge to Bridge – Lenoir, North Carolina
  • November/December 2002 Off-Road Skills; Pedal Stroking; Seat Height

2001 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 2001 Swoope Ride
  • March 2001 Cross Training; 2000 Mileages
  • April 2001 I do SO Belong on the Road; Slot Machines Attached to Exercise Bikes
  • May 2001 The Virginia Outdoor Plan
  • June 2001 Cycling in a Group
  • July 2001 A Memorial Event to Remember; The Mini-Mama Ride
  • August 2001 Joe Hiney Memorial Ride Picture; Service and Maintenance Schedule for Your Bike
  • September 2001 Ice Cream Ride Recap; Water Replacement
  • October 2001 SVC Recap; Pedal the Peaks – Colorado and Utah; Out of Bounds Centuries – Reston, Berryville, and the Gap Gallop (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania); Stem Length
  • November/December 2001 A Glow-in-the-Dark Bicycle?; Commuting in the Snow

2000 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1999 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1998 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1997 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1996 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1995 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 1995 Effective Cycling Notebook – Sharing the Path; Mountain Bike Update
  • March 1995 Effective Cycling Notebook – Reasons for Riding on the Right; Icicle Bike Ride; 1994 Mileages
  • April, May, June & July Missing – If you have a copy let the news editor know
  • August 1995 Ride Recap – mountain bike outing
  • September 1995 Rides Recap – Marcia’s Zoo Tour, No Quiche Ride, Matt’s Mountain Bike Ride, Ice Cream Ride – IV; Car-Free Skyline Drive; 1995 Shenandoah Valley Bike Festival
  • October 1995 Effective Cycling Notebook – Before Your Ride: The ABC Quick Check; Century Recap; Remembering Norm Gulliksen
  • November/December 1995 Thanks, John Zban; Effective Cycling Notebook – Intersections: “Messy Merging”; More Century – fan mail

1994 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 1994 Changes in Dues; Elk River Touring; Effective Cycling Notebook – Do You See What I See?
  • March 1994 The Legal System Works; 1993 Mileages
  • April 1994 It Takes a Licking and Keeps on …; Bicycle Plan; Ride Recap
  • May 1994 Effective Cycling Notebook – Tools for the Road; Try Biking as a Pollution Solution
  • June 1994 Rides Recap-John Maxfield; Effective Cycling Notebook – How Far Right is Right?; Ride Recap-Neups; Thanks, Trashers
  • July 1994 Ride Recap; Tidbits – Calcium
  • August 1994 Effective Cycling Notebook – Drafting and Pacelines; Ride Recap – Tour duPont becomes No Quiche; one last 1993 mileage
  • September 1994 Ride Recap – Ice Cream; Shenandoah Valley Bike Festival
  • October 1994 Outtakes – The 6th Annual Tour de Valley Century
  • November/December 1994 Trash Pick-up; Tidbits – bananas; Effective Cycling Notebook – Preventing & Avoiding Motorist Errors; 12th Annual Century – Recap #1; Five Comebacks to “Bikes Don’t Pay the Gas Tax”

1993 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January/February 1993
  • March 1993 Effective Cycling; Effective Cycling Notebook – Rock Dodge; Thomas Stevens – First Bicyclist to Cross North America
  • April 1993 Tidbits – long steady distance; And More Tidbits – (Virginia) laws pertaining to bicyclists; Effective Cycling Notebook – Panic Stop; Our Club
  • May 1993 Tidbits – statistics; Trash Pickup; Brian & Debbie’s Ride; Effective Cycling Notebook – Instant Turn; 1992 Mileages; bicycle quote; Legal Briefs; Bike to Work checklist
  • June 1993 Elkton Festival & Tour du Pont; Marcia’s National Bicycle Weekend Ride; Skyline Drive Ride; Effective Cycling Notebook – Group Riding; Earth Day 1993
  • July 1993 The Reasons for Our Falls; Helmets
  • August 1993 Eye Protection; Stage 5
  • September 1993 Change to Constitution; Shenandoah Valley Bike Festival 1993; Reddish Knob Revisited; Effective Cycling Notebook – Lane Positioning I or Attitude Adjustment; Ice Cream Ride
  • October 1993 No Quiche Ride
  • November/December 1993 Effective Cycling Notebook – Lane Positioning II; Effective Cycling Notebook – Good Cyclists-Bad Choices; New Book – A Cyclist’s Guide to the Shenandoah Valley

1992 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1991 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January – Missing, If you have a copy, please let your Webmistress know!
  • February 1991 Cleaner Air Now, Cleaner Roads Next; Faulty Wilderness Access Bill Fails; Membership (first foreign membership)
  • March 1991 Improved Bicycle Seat Patent from 1925
  • April 1991 Volunteering Add Years to Your Life; Dress for Safety
  • May 1991 Harrisonburg Cycling Classic; Dress for Safety, Revisited
  • June 1991
  • July 1991 Bike Virginia – June 23 – Todd Lake Rest Stop
  • August 1991 Reddish Knob Hill Climb II or Sardine Half Century; Who Speaks for Bicyclists
  • September 1991 Reddish Knob Ride
  • October 1991 Ninth Annual Shenandoah Valley Century; Developing a Bicycle-Friendly City
  • November/December 1991 Bicycling on Virginia’s Public Roads; Definitions: Traffic Controls: Where to Ride; Changing Directions

1990 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1989 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

1988 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January 1988
  • February 1988 Eastern Pa. Stage Race
  • March 1988 Super Sunday Mountain Party; X-C Fling Successful; First Event of the Jamaican Cycling Calendar
  • April 1988 Sunraycer; Hard to Believe
  • May 1988 Tips For Riders; Sue Rippy Selected to Whole Wheel Velo Club; Bill McCarrick Triumphs in North Carolina; Ride of the Dirty Seven
  • June 1988 5 Myths That Hurt Bicyclists; The Augusta County Spring Circuit
  • July 1988 Open Letter to the Members of the SVBC; Racing Results; McCormick’s Mill Ride; Techno Trivia
  • August 1988 Pizza, Prizes, Bicycling Fun Highlight Shenandoah Bicycle Tours; Team Time Trial Results; Skyline Ridge Ride; Rails For Trails
  • September 1988 X-President’s Corner; Rockingham Road Rash Race; Pancake Power Inspired by the Grape!; Rails To Trails Public Hearing; Shenandoah Valley Century (best times to date); “Got Loose In Linville”; Reddish Knob Hillclimb – Part II
  • October 1988 Century Summary; A.L.A.V.; Bicycles; A Consumer’s Guide to Bicycle Helmets
  • November 1988 President’s Corner; Historic Triangle Tour
  • December – Missing

1987 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January 1987
  • February 1987 Super Sunday; Notes From Our Foreign Correspondent…(Jamaica)
  • March 1987 AGVITHH-V Profits; A “No Quiche, but Pancake” Ride
  • April 1987 Racing News; Skinny Tires; Fat Tires; Blue Mountain Hill-Climb; Fat Tip
  • May 1987
  • June 1987 First Annual Shenandoah Valley Coors Classic
  • July 1987 Racing News – Local Vets Trounce Tush, Racing Skinny Tires, Blackwater 100 Race Through The Mud, Bill Mccarrick Wins USCF District Time Trial; Canaan Mountain Series Picture
  • August 1987
  • September 1987 Fifth Annual Shenandoah Valley Century (best times to date); Congratulations to Ironman Dennis Herr; Bicycling Terms a la Mauck; What Have You Been Up To, Sue Rippy?; Bike Aid ’87; Riding Fat Tire
  • October 1987 President’s Column (SVC Recap); Fat Ladies….And Gentlemen; Racing (Tour de Montezuma); Ride Calendar-Sunday October 18 (No Quiche Recap)
  • November 1987 Racing-Some Memorabilia, Spring Hill Road Race, Reddish Knob Hillclimb; Safety; Eleanor’s “Fall Inventory Clearance Ride and Fall Frolic”; “No Quiche” ’87; Dress For Success
  • December 1987 Century (Recap); Brainwashed in 88?; November 15 Ride Recap

1986 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January 1986 The Last 1985 Moonlight Ride; Voyageur; Eastern States Open Cyclo-Cross; USCF National Cyclo-Cross Championships
  • February 1986 Cleveland Welding Company; Super Sunday 1986
  • March 1986 Fat Tire Tips
  • April 1986 Racing News – Racing; Fat Tires – Racing Courses / Fat Tire Tips / Trials; Recycle Your Kid’s Trike…
  • May 1986 USCF Racing in North Carolina; Fat Tires–Tips;
  • June 1986 Fat Tires; Locals Sweep Canaan (also see correction in next newsletter)
  • July 1986 Touring; Women Back From Canada; Correction; Racing News–Skinny Tires; Fat Tires – Fat Tire–Social, Fat Tips; 6th Annual Staunton Ten-Miler
  • August 1986 Fat Tire News; Skinny Tires
  • September 1986 Racing News: Fat Tires
  • October 1986 Century a Success; Racing News: Skinny Tires; Fat Tires
  • November 1986 Shenandoah Valley Century; Fat Tire News; 22 Mile Time Trial; Ocean City Time Trial Challenge; Third Annual Tour de Montezuma
  • December 1986

1985 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January 1985 Eleanor Redefines the Layered Look; Don’t You Wish, Christmas Gifts; Dr. Bike Lives!!!!; Anchorage Use-A-Bike; A Windy New Year!!; Voyageur
  • February – missing, (if you have a copy contact the News Editor)
  • March – missing
  • April 1985 Dr. Bike Returns; St. Patrick’s Day Ride; A Windy March Ride
  • May – missing
  • June 1985 Area Bicyclists Sweep Canaan Mountain Bike Race; Visual Estimation of Wind Velocity
  • July 1985 Recognize Yourself
  • August – missing
  • September 1985 Voyaguer; Labor Day Ride
  • October 1985 Shenandoah Valley Century; And Now, It’s Art’s Turn…; Winchester Wheelmen 10 Mile Time-Trial; Fat Tires
  • November 1985 The Third Annual No Quiche Ride; Best From the East; Tour De Montezuma; JMU Bike Race
  • December 1985

1984 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • January 1984 Defective Cycling; Blueberry Pie Pursuit; Bail for Dr. Bike; Exercise Your Odometer for Long Life!
  • February 1984 Shenandoah Valley Gourmet Club???; Awards???; Justice is Served; Caterpillar or Butterfly; Dupont to Reward 65 MPH in Human-Powered Vehicle!; An Automatic Transmission for Your Bike?!
  • March 1984 Dr. Bike in Tennessee; Voyageur
  • April 1984 Mauch on Mountain Biking; Fat Tire Bike Rides; St. Patrick’s Day Ride – 26 Riders; Wimps Went Back; Voyageur; April Fools Day Ride; Return of Dr. Bike Delayed
  • May 1984  Olympic Report – Urban Cycling Team Training Underway; Bike Trail Petition Received; Voyageur; High Tech U.S. Olympic Track Bikes; Fat Tire Forum; Fun on the Fat Tires!!
  • June 1984 Of Infirm Minds and Pure Bodies!; Steepest Hill in the World Contest; Voyageur; Tips for Ride Leaders; Tips for Riders; Fat Tire Forum; Letters to Dr. Bike
  • July 1984 SVBC Meeting Are Useful – A True Story; Strawberry Pies Forever!!; Sue Rippy – VA State Veteran Women’s Road Race Champion (See SVBC Congrats To:); Over the River and Through the Woods; Fat Tire Forum
  • August 1984 25 Million Cyclists in the USA; Steepest Hill in the World Entries; A Fast Tip from Dr. Bike; TOSRV Stories; Tandem Foundation; July Meeting – Safe Cycling; Fat Tire Forum; Another Innovation from Runt Rentals
  • September 1984 Luxury Overnight at the Farm; Proud Parents; Dr. Bike on Vacation
  • October 1984 Shenandoah Valley Century – Another Success; Tips for Cooking on the Road (with a fettuccine recipe); A Day for the Ducks; Fat Tire Forum
  • November 1984 Fettuccine Al Dennis; Another Fine Highland Weekend; Voyageur; The Headwind Made the Difference; SVBC Members Frolic in Frederick, MD; SVBC Members Frolic in Harrisonburg; The Last Wednesday Night Ride; Insurance Advice; Second Annual No Quiche Mountain Challenge Century
  • December 1984 November Meeting – Eating the Right Stuff (with several recipes); Some December Bike History; SVBC First “Night Out”; Breaking Away

1983 – links are to downloadable .pdf files

  • March 1983 First Newsletter Issue; Picture of First Set of Officers
  • April 1983 Pictures of Events
  • May 1983
  • June 1983 Chesapeake Tour with Pictures
  • July 1983 Natural Chimneys Outing; Ask Dr. Bike; Uncertainty of the Mind and Destruction of the Body
  • August 1983 Shenandoah Valley Century; A Hot, Humid, Hilly and Enjoyable Holiday
  • September 1983 Ask Dr. Bike; A Hot Ride and a Full Belly; You Can Ride a Century; How Do You Spell . . . .?
  • October 1983 SVBC First Century a Success!; A Short Note; A Report from Fat Tire Bike Week; Dear Dr. Bike
  • November 1983
  • December 1983 No Quiche – No Piece of Cake; Swamp Bikes – All the Rage in Florida