Bike Month

May is Bike Month!

Bike Month looks a little different this year given the COVID-19 Situation.

Wednesday, May 20: Ride of Silence (SOLO)

  • COVID-19 Update: Instead of our typical group ride we are encouraging individuals to engage in solo rides or with their household members.”
  • View the Event on Facebook
  • Please post your photos and rides with the hashtag #RidewithSVBC so that we can share your solo rides and help spread the word about this important annual ride.
  • The Ride of Silence will begin in North America and roll across the globe, beginning at 7:00 PM in every time zone. Cyclists will take to the roads in a silent procession to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways.
  • Although cyclists have a legal right to share the road with motorists, the motoring public often isn’t aware of these rights, and sometimes not aware of the cyclists themselves.
  • Tag the Coalition using @SVBCoalition for Twitter, @svbcoalitionbike on Instagram, and @shenandoahvalleybicyclecoalition on Facebook.

Friday, May 22: Bike Somewhere Day

  • Not bike to work Day but Bike Somewhere Day! View the event on FACEBOOK
  • We believe that biking everywhere and anywhere can help solve many of the world’s problems and bring our communities together. Show what biking means to you by riding your bike on May 22 and posting a photo/video to share with your friends and family why you ride a bike.
  • Given the current COVID-19 situation, we will not be holding any group activities or events for Bike Somewhere Day. Instead, we are asking you to go for a ride and take a photo that you post on social media and share with the hashtag: #RidewithSVBC
  • Tag the Coalition using @SVBCoalition for Twitter, @svbcoalitionbike on Instagram, and @shenandoahvalleybicyclecoalition on Facebook.