June 4: Safe Routes to School Celebration at Waterman Elementary School

June 4: Safe Routes to School Celebration at Waterman Elementary School

June 2, 2014 Updates 0


6/3/2014 UPDATE:

The celebration scheduled to take place outside on June 3 for the completion of the Safe Routes to School project at Waterman Elementary School (451 Chicago Avenue), has been rescheduled due to the anticipated weather forecast.

The event will now take place on Wednesday, June 4 at 1:00pm. If the weather does not cooperate on Wednesday, the event will be moved inside. This event is open to the public.


Please join us on June 4 to celebrate the completion of the City of Harrisonburg’s second Safe Routes to School Project at Waterman Elementary School! Although the project was completed in December 2013, we were waiting for warmer days to celebrate!

Representatives from city staff, City Council, and the school will be invited to speak at this dedication ceremony.

Project information at, http://www.harrisonburgva.gov/waterman-safe-routes.

Questions about this event? Contact Nathan Barge at nbarge@harrisonburg.k12.va.us.




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