SHEN-ROCK: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about the SHEN-ROCK Team

  • Basics
    • Does my child have to have previous mountain biking experience?
      • There are a variety of levels on the team. If you would like more information, contact us and give us the specifics. We want to grow youth cycling and make sure we get more kids on bikes. We are flexible and happy to help make the team work for your rider.
    • Does my rider need a bike?
      • Yes. Your rider should have a mountain bike. At this time we do not have loaner bikes specifically for the SHEN-ROCK Team. BUT do not let the lack of a bike hold you back. Reach out to us (Contact the SHEN-ROCK Team)if you need help tracking down an affordable bicycle for your youth rider.
    • Does my rider need specific clothes or shoes?
      • Riders need to wear athletic wear. There is no need for special pedals or shoes although some team members use them. SHEN-ROCK jerseys are available for purchase but are only required for races. You can view and purchase all SHEN-ROCK merchandise via our online store.
    • Does my rider need a helmet?
      • Helmets are mandatory for all riders. You must purchase your own helmet.
  • Practices
    • When and where are the practices? 
    • Are practices required?
      • Attending practices is highly encouraged and regular attendance is expected. Riders should come to as many practices as they can. We know that there are many competing interests for youth sports and hope your rider can join us for the vast majority of our pracitces.
    • Are practices canceled due to in-climate weather?
      • Practices typically happen no matter the weather. Practices are canceled via the SHEN-ROCK Google Group (email), which you will be signed up for after you fill out the paperwork to join.
    • Is there transportation to get kids to/from practice?
      • There is no consistent transportation to and from practice. You are responsible for getting your rider to and from practice.
  • Spring Versus Fall Season and Racing
    • What are the differences between the Fall and Spring season?
    • When do the seasons start and stop?
      • The exact start and stop dates for the season are decided on as the season gets closer to starting. However, the Spring season generally runs from the middle of March to the end of May. The fall season generally runs from the middle of August until the end of October.
    • How do the races work? Are they mandatory?
    • Is there transportation to get kids to/from races?
      • There is no consistent transportation to and from the races. You are responsible for getting your rider to and from races. You can work with other parents to try to arrange carpools via the SHEN-ROCK Google Group (email list).
  • Cost and Registration
    • How much does it cost?
      • Annually:
      • ShenRock Rider Fee: $50
      • Additional fees are required if your student-athlete decides to race. These fees are collected by the race leagues.
    • How do I register my rider?
    • How do I get updates from the team after we join?
      • After you register, you will be signed up for the SHEN-ROCK TeamSnap, which is where all official communication for the team happens.