Shenandoah Mountain Trail – Rehabilitation

Shenandoah Mountain Trail – Rehabilitation

April 18, 2011 George Washington National Forest 0

Shenandoah Mountain Trail south of Rt. 250 is an amazing trail. A HUGE amount of work goes in to maintaining the trail yearly. Shenandoah Mountain Touring maintains the trail as part of the volunteer agreement between the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coaliton and the North River Ranger District in the George Washington National Forest. The amazing section of trail coined the “Southern Traverse” is designated an “IMBA Epic” by the International Mountain Bicycling Association. The Shenandoah Mountain Trail ends in Bath County Virginia. There are some amazing choices of cabins and cottages in Bath County if you wish to hunker down and explore these amazing trails or the wonderful road riding Bath has to offer.

Bob Trailers make trail work missions much easier and enjoyable.

From Shenandoah Mountain Trail – Rehabilitation and Tree Removal

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