We’ve Got a Survey: Help Plan the Future of the Massanutten Western Slope Trails

We’ve Got a Survey: Help Plan the Future of the Massanutten Western Slope Trails

February 7, 2020 Updates 1

The Massanutten Western Slope Trails are an incredible asset for our community. Through our unique partnership with Massanutten, your Bicycle Coalition builds and maintains trails on private land owned by Massanutten Resort. In order to ride on the Western Slope Trails, you need a trail pass. 100% of trail pass proceeds go back to the Coalition to help fuel our work. You can either donate or volunteer for your trail pass. We hold volunteer trail workdays every Thursday and Saturday at Massanutten.

Visit Westernslopetrails.org for your trail pass and to support our vision for more trails close to home. As we work towards a more concrete vision for Massanutten’s Western Slope, we want to hear from you and learn how you use the trails and what you think about our existing and potential for future trails.

One Response

  1. Elaine Hurst says:

    Thank you to everyone for their hard work.

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