Search Results for “hillandale”

6/20: Haircuts for Hillandale

What: The Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park were built by volunteers of the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition. Our volunteers also maintain the trails and this is the time of year when they need your help to trim back vegetation. When: Thursday, June 20 from 4-7 PM Where: Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park Who to Contact…
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June 14, 2019 0

4/19: Hillandale Power Line Trail Work

What: Spring Hillandale/Massanutten Trail Work Series (Thursdays) When: Thursday, April 19- Meet us at 5:30 pm in the back of Hillandale Park, last parking lot on the right near the trail kiosk. and work as long as you can or until dark. Starting May 3, we will move trail work to Massanutten for every Thursday through the…
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April 16, 2018 0

3/15: First Hillandale Trail Work Day of 2018

What: The start of weekly trail work days at Hillandale Park When: Thursday, March 15- Thursday, April 26 Meet us at 5:30 pm and work as long as you can or until dark. Where: Hillandale Park in Harrisonburg. Meet us in the last parking lot of the park next to the trail kiosk near the…
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March 13, 2018 0

6/14: Help Save the Hillandale Power Line Trail

Help us “brush” the power line trail at Hillandale Park to wrap up the new improvements that will keep our trail clear of the bulldozer. When: Wednesday, June 14 5:30 pm onward Where: Hillandale Power Line Trail. We will have equipment at the top of South Avenue but please park in Hillandale proper What we did:…
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June 14, 2017 0

4/27: Hillandale Trail Work Day Brushing

It is that time of year when the trails at Hillandale are quickly narrowing down due to the spring growth. We need your help to beat back the brush and liberate the trails for everyone. What: “brush” the trails at Hillandale Park so that the thorns, leaves, branches and other growth doesn’t pull you off…
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April 18, 2017 0

4/8: Help Us Save the Power Line Trail at Hillandale

What: Come and help us save the power line trail from the bulldozer! We need to clear some brush and trees to start the process of increasing access and accessibility to the power line poles. We will also have a handful of JMU student volunteers out there to help us with this important work! Where:…
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April 6, 2017 0

4/4: SHEN-ROCK Open House @ Hillandale

JOIN the SHEN-ROCK Team The ShenRock Mountain Bike Team is an interscholastic youth mountain bike team in the Shenandoah Valley consisting of boys and girls from local public, private, and home schools. Join the team at Hillandale on April 4 at 5:30 to see if you are interested! Everyone is welcome to come out, meet the team…
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April 2, 2017 0

POSTPONE TO FUTURE DATE: Hillandale Trail work forTuesday and Wed (June 21st & 22nd)

We had 15 awesome volunteers help with clearing Hillandale last Saturday but we need more! Come out any time between 4-8pm on June 21st or 22rd to help finish the mission at hand. We estimate we will need 25 volunteers for 2 hours of work to complete the brushing of Hillandale. For additional info contact…
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June 15, 2016 0

6/21 & 6/22: Hillandale Needs More Hairs Cut

Do you ride, walk, run at Hillandale? If yes, please come help give the trails a much needed brushing. We need 20 volunteers for 1-2 hours each to lend a hand cutting back the spring growth. When: June 21 and 22 Time: From 4pm to 8pm (Need 20 people to each pull off a 2 hour…
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June 10, 2016 0

6/11: Hillandale’s Hair Cut Needs YOU!

Do you ride, walk, run at Hillandale? If yes, please come help give the trails a much needed brushing. We need 20 volunteers for 1-2 hours each to lend a hand cutting back the spring growth. When: June 11th Time: Anytime from 7am-1pm Where: Meet at trail head kiosk in Park. Sign up: Please fill…
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June 5, 2016 0