Search Results for “hillandale”

Kicking off Spring with Thursday Hillandale Trail Work Series

    Soon the snow will melt and things will once again grow and turn green.  Help SVBC move the winter deadfall and cut back the spring growth Thursday’s this spring. You are welcome to come for any portion of the trail work session, even a 30 minute effort goes a long way to keeping…
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February 28, 2015 0

Eagle Scout Project-Hillandale Park Bike Repair Station

SVBC member Connor Bell is asking for your help to fund a portion of his Eagle Scout project to install a bike repair station at Hillandale Park. You can Donate now to support the project: SVBC Member Austin Bell is raising money for a bike repair station at Hillandale for his Eagle Scout Project. See about…
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September 19, 2014 0

Hillandale Needs Your Help..Saturday August 23rd.

Hillandale is overgrown!! We need your help (even just 1 hour) to help cut back the trails. We will have crews working from 7am-1pm. We only need 8 folks per time slot so please pick another time slot if there is already 8 folks signed  up for that hour. Sign up here: For more information…
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August 13, 2014 0

Saturday June 14: Hillandale Trail Work Party

This is the time of year is when Hillandale needs a little extra love. The SVBC plans to “brush” Hillandale on Saturday June 14 and we need your help. We will be working from 9am to 2pm so come and lend a hand when you have an opportunity. Interested in helping but you only have…
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June 8, 2014 0

May 10: High School Mountain Bike Racing at Hillandale

This Saturday May 10 you can cheer on your hometown high school mountain bike racers at the Rocktown Trails in Hillandale Park. You can even race yourself at the Rocktown Crusher, a USA Cycling fully sanctioned race event. More information on Saturday’s events: Race 4: Harrisonburg Saturday, May 10, 2014 10:00 a.m.…
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May 8, 2014 0

March Annual Hillandale Trail Maintenance Begins This Week

This Thursday- March 13 is the first Hillandale Trail Work day of the Season Join us at Hillandale Park on Thursday evenings to help repair the trail system… Meet us by the big SVBC trailer across from shelter 11 (all the way in the back of the park at the end of the paved road).…
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March 6, 2014 0

New Trails and New Trail Map for Hillandale Park

New map of the Rocktown trails at Hillandale Park. Complete with Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC) logo and website! Notice the latest addition of the “Geronimo” trail that connects the park to Circle Dr. Geronimo trail was the product of a great Saturday volunteer trail build with over 30 community members in attendance to connect parks and neighborhoods. Stay…
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December 3, 2013 0

Hillandale Trail Work Day – November 16th.

For the past year planning has been happening for a new important connector trail. The Circle Drive connector trail will be a great example of how neighborhoods should and can connect to parks.  Come out on November 16th and show your support for this new biking/walking trail. Trail Work Day Details: Date: Saturday November 16th Time: 9am-2pm (come…
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November 9, 2013 0

Saturday August 24th Hillandale Brushing Mission #2..7am – finish time..An hour of your time will go a long way!

  Hillandale Trails are overgrown and we need help to brush them back…Feel free to come for any amount of time to help. We will be based out of the main Rocktown Trails Kiosk. We will need several folks to help with brushers (SVBC provided) as well as folks with rakes (bring one if you…
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August 21, 2013 0

SVBC Volunteers give Hillandale a Crew Cut.

Mission Accomplished–Trails Are Buff!!  SVBC will hold another Haircut Session in late summer, hope to see you there! Thank you to the 15 volunteers who spent some of their Saturday cutting back the major growth on the Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park.  50 volunteers hours in a day never made such a difference for so…
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June 3, 2013 0